Ok, this is epic. I have not gotten a media studies degree, nor I haven’t sucked Harvey Weinstein’s penis, and yet, it’s almost like I’m famous! And all my friends are famous too…we all know each other! I am high on the clout microdose.
Welcome to the world of microclout. Everyone is talking to each other, everyone knows each other! We get clicks, likes, and sometimes over a hundred people will watch the videos that we make!
So I have to ask, what the hell is happening? I have to admit something to you, I’m not all that fucking interesting. I’m really not. No, I’m not being ironic, I’m not being humble, I’m just— not an entertainer. I’m a therapist who is a little too Highly Online. I suppose this is interesting, but it’s really for other Highly Online people.
Something is happening here. But what the hell is it?
Advantages to this system, or the number one advantage has to be a sort of freedom of movement. There are so many little fragmented social media kingdoms, it’s really easy to travel from one to the other and see which one you like. In addition, you can talk about things which you are interested in and develop it within a group instead of scribbling it on the walls in an insane asylum.
I do have a theoretical lens which is very particular: Zizekian Egoism.
Only in the microculture could something be given such gravitas. No one is researching self-interest theory, but somehow there is, thanks to microculture, a group of people interested in egoist anarchism, Zizek, and clinical psychology! Of course, I must have gotten this from other microcultures as well. Microcultures feeding off microcultures garnering microclout.
Firstly, delusional thinking. Not recognizing the limits of microclout leads to obsession with the microclout and its mechanisms. There is a lot outside of microclout, your family, your career, your IRL hobbies, there is a tendency of microculture to become a superpositional framer of all these things.
Secondly, a lack of appreciation of the beautiful due to being flooded with what can be seen as unpolished creations, both your own and others. Your lack of labor becomes forgotten, and the addictive mechanism of social media reduces qualitative appreciation of what is outside of social media.
Microclout is an appendage, but it should not be your main operating system. AR is the future, microclout is an Augmented Reality device. But you know exactly who you are with the microclout, don’t you?
(pictured: you)
You can bring me with you into the world, but the world is not the self-contained world of microclout. You must jettison yourself out of Plato’s cave, or Eliot Rosenstock’s groups, or these various pages where grad students flex their slight advantage of knowledge and turn it into a microscene.
But I’m going to keep it real, you get a little shook. If the AR is telling you it’s bad, that doesn’t mean you can’t use another metric of measurement. Don’t let any microscene be anything more than a tool that can be discarded when the stupidities of amateur hour bubble over.
That being said, enjoy your symptom, enjoy your microculture! Just know when to stop looking through the Vegeta Scouter of microclout.