Hyper-Judaism: Regarding The Modern Sublated Spirit of The Jewish People
My uncle explained it all like this to me, “The Holocaust didn't destory the Jews, but it destroyed the Yiddish speaking world.”
The Holocaust is the prime mover for today's Hyper-Jewishness, which is to the ahistorical implementation of Hebrew as the main language representing Jews, as well as (not only) Israeli nationalism, but Israel as a survival ground for apolitical Jews born into Hyper-Jewishness, or the contemporary Jewish World shaped from the ravages of the Holocaust.
One can be an Israeli Jew thrown into the world of being surrounded by peoples wanting to remove the Israeli state out of existence without thinking much about this fact.
Ashkenazi Jews have been cut off from both their historical lands and historical language due to anti-Semitism. Out of survival, the inhabiting of Israel, made possible by England, a country with a long reactionary history, have brought Jews into the fold of comprising a nation state.
Israel, like America, is a project of the United Kingdom, and both Israel and America represent ambitions which may seem familiar to the United Kingdom. The United States is a true Whig state, obsessed with principles and voting for voting’s sake, removed from history which happened before the first sacred text from the bible of the American was written (The Declaration of Independence is sort of a Genesis, The Constitution Exodus, and so on).
Israel is a nation state under 100 years old, with a language which is different than their ancestors. This is what makes Judaism today a Hyper-Judaism. Whether non-religious or religious, the contemporary Ashkenazi Jew is disconnected from their historical language and their historical lands.
In Dialectics, this might be called a “sublation.” What remains of the Jews from before the holocaust? The story of fleeing persecution is directly in the Torah. Exodus is all about fleeing persecution and establishing a new homeland. How many times before have the Jews fleed persecution?
Being a religious and ethnic minority with a general tendency towards literacy and competency at their work, we can see this pattern repeating and refining the Jews every century into something else. The pogroms prior to the Holocaust dislocated the Yiddish world into the United States, where it was quickly swallowed up by the American English speaking world, making Yiddish a sidenote language, rather than a central language of the Jewish people. In Israel, Hebrew is the language, the language of the religious text has become the main language of the Religio-Ethnic people.
Imagine suddenly everyone in England deciding that they were going to bring back Latin and that it would be the main conversational language, this is akin to the process the Jews have gone through.
Listen to what the historical language of Ashkenazi Jews below (It is a sort of mix of Hebrew and German):