All actions done by a life form are a result of the psyche’s reflexive understanding.
The psyche involves conscious motives and unconscious motives. Unconscious motives drive all explanations of conscious motives.
Conscious motives can be altruistic, but they ultimately have an unconscious Egoic calculus which includes within it the all Altruistic Actions.
Because of the nature of the psyche as something which is pulled by unconscious motives which are explained not-in-full by the conscious mind, Morals are subservient to the Egoism of those Morals.
Altruism is subservient to Egoism in the way that the Conscious is subservient to the Unconscious.
Just as the Conscious can push against the Unconscious in order to do something more pro-social, Altruism can push against actions which look like Egoism in order to do something more pro-social.
People claim morality in-itself, but in fact, there is always a power game which is the creation of the force of the particular life form’s self-interest, this is either obscured or spoken partially.
There is no moral good in-itself, only as subservient to Egoistic interests. Egoistic Interests however can be aligned to what is a Good Cause, but the Good Cause is never simply in-itself, but subservient to the Egoism of the Essential Body.
Egoistic interest is often served by pretending things are morally good in-themselves, and may in fact attempt to create universal moral standards.
The universal moral standards are applied to specific situations which impact our psyche, we have inflamed senses of injustice which are cooled by the idea of universal ethics.
All universal applications are not truly universal applications, but are rather always lies in the context of their true nature, which is to say their true nature both requires them to be posited in themselves rather than as self-interest in order to function, and also to serve their stated ends which is a universal sense of justice.
Universal justice as well as altruism can be traced back to an emotion, which is not just in-itself, but rather acts as a stimuli on the Essential Body.
Both Justice and Injustice from a variety of universal standards are measured with intuition and emotional ideas of “that’s it,” but the reality is that there is always a psyche which has to determine where and when it gets applied, as well as one’s role in applying it.
Conscious Identites get pulled around emotional regulation involving one’s sense of ethics, but also how one is treated in social settings, which can be amoral or even outright prejudicial.
Network-Actor Theory discovered that segregation happens even against people’s intentions.
Racial segregation is only one type of segregation, moral segregation occurs as well in order for people to have their Essential Body be regulated by not just their moral claims and their actions, but also by immediate prejudices that will favor them.
One can escape a racial identity and fall into a moral identity, but the same Network-Actor phenomena occurs in order to socially segregate people into groups where their surroundings or ecosystem becomes more beneficial to them.
Ecosystem drift is largely unconscious as understood by Network-Actor theory.
In the search for a universal political action, the pull of unconscious ego-syntonic environments distort human-beings’ ability to create universal ethics.
Inevitably, people will Identify on Opposite Sides of Core Ideas and segregate. The Core Idea does not need a value beyond it being the Segregating Concept which distorts universality in favor of the groups which represent universality.
Ethical Action does occur through Core Ideas such as being pro or against Slavery.
Society eventually abolished Slavery, which had to do with identities, but had a coalition which was beyond racial identites, and into the Idea of the Good as the mediation of multiple Identities.
If it empowers one racial group to own another racial group, but it is not Good, the fact that it is not Good negates whatever empowerment is gained by owning another racial group.
Core Ideas of The Good thus have the potential to overcome Identity Politics.
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