Logic Fragments
I listen to what is shut-up. I like to listen to what is taken away. I like to listen— “as a therapist,” to how one deals with righteous anger. How does one ruin their lives while being right? This is always fun— for me to listen to anyway. It is better also if you get paid as well, what a nice deal! I am always telling people that being a therapist is a good job.
There is the opposite sufferer, those who can not get enough of the Other. The altruist, the socially adept one, the extravert, these are all words for the same person— the sociopath is always substantially an introvert.
When you are doing an analysis of a dream or of a life or of an interpersonal relationship, you look to see the story, or the fragments of the story, and how things are tied together, but also who is trying to exist— and where. The articulation of one dimension is the pushing away of another dimension, the need to speak pushes away the need to listen.
A personal fantasy is revealed in the dream, an interpersonal fantasy is established and fought for. This seems to me like the interpersonal is much more worthy than the personal. The personal is revealed, for what? For better mood. Sure, sure. The interpersonal— this is something that has to be established. This fantasy has to be crafted from personal fantasies, but it is something else entirely. A group must be built, a self always-was.
We can not help but to build, the world can not help but to build. This is why analysts are important, not in a social sense, but in my personal estimation. Maybe in a social sense as well, but I don’t care about that, personally, personally I think the personal is unimportant and I am talking about the social, but I care for myself about the personal. This is my mood. You shouldn’t care. The social is where the real fun is at.
The accidental structure, the logic of logics coming together. The force of multiple forces. This is why corporations make things no one person wants, they make things which are of a group fantasy.
Analyze the group fantasy by looking at the forces and processes. They do not know what they are doing, but they are doing it anyway. Or maybe one of them does— either way, the group fantasy is not the personal fantasy. It is in another dimension. This dimension which is outside yourself, but that you must none-the-less listen to and should listen to. It is interesting because it is different than your psychology, but it is informed by your psychology. Its logic fragments are alien, its fantasies are displaced, hidden, substituted, but its processes remain real.
What gifts are available for those that can understand the process?