Naturphilosophie: can our bodies tell us what our political beliefs should be?
With the COVID-19 Vaccine coming hard and fast, our immune systems are on the front line of the Weltgeist. But what if the opposite were true? Would the result be good or terrible?
What if we peered into our immune system and looked for answers of how to order our political systems? What would our political system look like?
Let’s start with what our immune system is trying to do. Firstly, it is trying to stop outside pathogens from destroying our bodily processes as well as trying to stop our cells from mutating and destroying our bodily processes. However, we need outside elements to survive such as food, oxygen, and in the case of gut bacteria, even other living organisms.
Can it be said that some interaction with outside forces is necessary, and a very systematized sorting system should be utilized with what should and should not be allowed in any political body?
So what are done with things sorted as pathogens? Well, in our political body, they are destroyed. Annhilated. No rehabilitation.
So okay, sorting of elements, and destruction for elements seen as bad. It is safe to say any naturphilosophie government would be very brutal in their sorting mechanisms.
There are of course, outside elements which make it through the immune response and slowly kill the bodily organs such as alcohol and other drugs. These for our immune system, would be let through our bodies, and we’d let our organs try to sort things out. If too much was poured in, we would simply have our organs fail.
So okay, firstly all bad foreign and mutated internal elements are immediately annihilated, while things which kill us slowly are allowed. Got it.
Do you have allergies? I think I might be allergic to pollen but I’m not entirely sure. Let’s say that I am. So the destructive outside elements might include destroying foreign bodies which are totally fine and ok while allowing things like alcohol to go through the blood stream and corrode our livers, or perhaps help our heart…well it will be up to the brain!
So ok, while we are doing all of this, the brain will make the decisions of what to ingest based on whatever it kind of feels like doing, but it will also just expose the body to things it has no idea about, and it will just generally bumble about while the rest of the body works to put everything together.
So ok, we have a fairly clueless management system, foreign elements rightly purged and wrongly purged, long-term corrosion acceptable but by choice of management and no one else.
Is it safe to say simply, as above, so below? Do bodies not tell us right or wrong, but merely what is? The universal shines brightly reflected in the singular body, but it might not tell us much about the best choices to make. Or maybe it tells you something, but keep in mind you are management, and you’re pretty clueless about most things. You frontal lobe. I am also a frontal lobe. Look down and see the body politic…woah, anything to say guys? No they have nothing to say I will keep trying to manage my body here. Stay safe everyone, don’t get Covid!
Official message from management.