Objectivity is neither something which is simply correct nor incorrect, but an Idea which defines its opposite, Subjectivity. As Subjectivity is Objectively Existent within the concept of Objectivity, we come to the concept of Truth as the Higher Principle of both the Objective and Subjective.
I. The Truth of the Other
II. The Other for Consciousness
III. Ground (a) of Objective Existent Truth (b) The Contradiction of the Objective Existence of Subjective Conciousness
I. The Truth of the Other
The Other is an Idea which posits its opposites, the Self, and the Same. The Same is the Same as both the Self and the Idea which Subjectivity, or consciousness posits. As the Self is in Truth the Ideas of the Self although not in perspective, The Truth of the Other is a reflection of the Truth of the Self, which is the Truth of the Same, which is to say the Truth of Subjectivity’s Ideas reflecting as Subjectivity. What Subjectivity sees as non-subjectivity is The Other, and The Other can never be more than an Idea of non-relation.
Non-Relation is the Other, or Dividedness itself. Insofar as things are not divided, they are not Other. Since things have sameness and difference simultaneously, things are Self and Other simultaneously. The Truth of the Other is a contradiction insofar as the Other is simultaneously the Self.
Because the Truth of the Other is its own contradiction of its own idea, and its Truth of the Self, one can not speak of the Other without speaking of contradiction without being outside of the Truth of the Other. All attempts to grasp the Other as pure Outsideness can than be said, to be Untrue, or a Non-Truth insofar as the Other is its own contradiction of the Idea of Other itself.
II. The Other for Consciousness
For consciousness than, to grasp the Other as pure Outsideness is to make an error of the truth of the ground of the Idea of the Other. Nonetheless, this is a very common practice, and insofar as all truths can not be spoken at all times, the Truth of the Sameness and the Self-ness of the Other is not spoken or not attended to in consciousness.
Because Consciousness attends to the Other as non-self, Consciousness attends to a non-Truth. Subjectivity engages with non-Truth, and is interested in non-Truth, but is none the less subject to the Truth of itself, which is to say there is a Truth of its interest in non-Truth and incompleteness, but the Truth of subjectivity remains outside of all attempts to grasp itself via non-Truth.
Subjectivity can only grasp the Truth of itself via Truth, and not via non-Truth. Insofar as non-Truth helps subjectivity understands itself, it is only via its reflection of a Truth of itself, whether that Truth be a ground of feeling, a ground of objective fact, or the concrete content of subjectivity which is always incomplete Truth, and sometimes all together non-Truth.
III. Ground
a) Objective Existent Truth
Truth is Objective and Existent, which is to say it is True without subjectivity or consciousness gazing upon it. However, Subjectivity annhilates Objectivity as a standard of Truth, and assimilates it into a subcategory of truth, due to there being a truth of Subjectivity. Without the Ground of the Truth of Subjectivity, and Objective Existent Truth is missing a dimension of its own analysis.
In the same way, without the ground of the Self or Idea which is the Self, one can not speak the Truth of the Other. It must always be Self and Other, which in fact is a subcategory of The Truth of an Idea as expressed through incomplete subcategories of itself, Self, Other, Idea, as well as its very expression. However, we should not confuse incompleteness with non-Truth, which is a positive category of misrecognition itself.
b) The Contradiction of the Objective Existence of Subjective Consciousness
Both Truth and non-Truth as grasped by consciousness, with the Ground of the Self and Other reflecting the Truth of an Idea, must be at constantly grappling with the non-total-Truth of Objectivity and Subjectivity.
This is taken into Truth once again, as the Truth of Subjective Consciousness is that it works out Objective Truth via incomplete and incorrect reflections of Truth. However, Incorrect reflections of Truth only produce the Truth of something else, which is to say the Truth of the Feeling of Consciousness or the Truth of the Idea. The Truth of Feeling is a motive for non-Truth, just as it a motive for Truth. Incorrectness has contradiction in its correctness to Identify its existence, but it is not True until it is identified as its essence, which is non-Truth, or Incorectness itself. To confuse Incorrectness with Incompleteness is Incorrect, a non-Truth.
In conclusion, The Truth of Idea (for instance, Incorrectness as Actual Incorrectness and not simply its opposite, Correctness) supercedes all subjectivity, self, other, contradiction, insofar as it is what is being worked out with Truth and non-Truth, with incomplete categories of Subjectivity and Objectivity. The Idea and the Truth of it is a True vanishing point of the Truth which consciousnesses work out, via Self and Other, despite the incompleteness of those categories.