Quality as derived from Absolute Freedom
A brief 15-point proof which goes from Me, to God, and Back Again.
I want to do anything I want at any time. No time can limit me, no rule can limit me.
I am not able to do everything at everytime. My lack of ability is an obstacle.
Other people are included in everything. The ability of other people may lack, so are the will, and the place/time location. Other people are an obstacle.
I am not everywhere and everything. My finiteness is an obstacle.
Society prevents me and is not totally and Absolutely tailored to my demands. Society is an obstacle.
Society, other people, my own ability, being obstacles towards absolute freedom, induce a strategy in regards to themselves in order to increase agency within these domains.
Strategic Agency is increased but can never be Absolute. The idea of God as Absolutely able substitutes for my lack of ability, my finiteness, and other obstacles to Absolute Freedom. Only God is considered Absolutely Free, and his will and desires are often described as Absolutely Good.
To be Absolutely Free induces the idea of God historically, which induces the idea of power, non-finiteness, and the idea of the Good in relation to Power.
Categorical Freedom and Categorical Goodness this develop out of the initial impulse for Absolute Freedom, eventually developing into the notion of God which is in fact a placeholder for the dual non-material ideal of Absolute Freedom and Absolute Goodness.
Quality becomes the non-divine notion of Godness. Quality is the transcendental ideal which carries the initial impulse of Absolute Freedom. The development of quality is thus the development of Absolute Freedom and the Absolute Good, ie, the development of the God notion.
Goodness and Freedom are not one and the same. Goodness refers to an ethical character, while freedom is a descriptor of ability.
A dialectic of freedom and goodness develop. They do not come together as the measure of the goodness and freedom speak to each other.
A description of a famous murderer is appealing because it demonstrates freedom which is commonsensical and obviously outside of the good, but it none the less speaks to the good through the negative, and thus is part of the deeper conceptualization of quality.
The minutia begins to reveal the absolute when notions of good and freedom speak to each other, and life is given meaning through the development and immediate synthesis of desire and the development of quality.
What begins as the desire of absolute freedom becomes qualitative desire, absolute freedom speaking to absolute ethical goodness. Life is given meaning during the interaction between the absolutely able act and the absolutely righteous act.