Terrible Transcendental Ruling Class Culture
Let’s imagine— hypothetically speaking— purely hypothetically, that the group of people in-charge of something were also extremely technically competent, but that every facet of their life was out-of-touch with things which ordinary people and most people find make life worthwhile and good.
If you can imagine, legions of bureaucrats crunching numbers who then get home, have horrible family lives, insufferable ways of relating to each other, inauthentic and out-of-touch speech patterns which makes the people they are ruling feel like they are not getting the joke, or at least are certainly out of the in-crowd.
What are the ruled subjects supposed to do in this situation? The ruling class, which is transcendental and purely hypothetical here, is simultaneously making the trains run on time while putting out messages into the world that reflect their detached and broken personal lives. It seems like the ruling class here, when they try to act like their subjects, come off as fake, or even “hypernormal,” something which tries too hard but ultimately feels bad to even look at.
I think in this hypothetical situation, people may start to question their technical abilities as well, simply because their ways of relating to their lives seem so strange and inauthentic. Surely these hordes of ruling class with their strange ways and their broken lives are also doing technical issues wrong. Surely their lives are bleeding into their work and they are not representing rationality unfolding in the world.
Except, purely hypothetically of course, thanks to systems theory, no individual ruling class person needs to know the result or end of their actions, and they can in fact be in charge, be out of touch, and unfold events rationally.
I don’t think many hypothetical people in this hypothetical scenario will know what to make of all this. I think they would start to want people that seem more down to earth to be in charge, even at the cost of the trains running out-of-sync. I think society could actually degrade just so that the subjects, in this hypothetical democracy which theoretical elections, may just vote in people who don’t have stilted relations to their internal state.
I think subjects may start to vote for people purely on vibe, and the good vibe people may actually break things, or they may figure out that they have to make things work, or maybe they will do new things that are better, but for the subjects, the important thing would be to remove the “hypernormal” ruling class, since they are so unnerving.
Purely hypothetically, of course.