The Beauty of Freedom {Normal, Abnormal, Vital}
The idea of beauty contains within it something vital and missing from the past, and as a result to produce the beautiful within the Idea of freedom is to produce a movement away from the past.
Freedom’s destruction of what-is can be initially known as terror. The transition of power from Trump to Biden is a historical act, within which freedom is posited in the movement away from Trump and towards Biden. Clearly some are terrified, and all around the the country, the official aesthetic of the country is being hoisted in the name of Trump. Flags, eagles, all seem to represent Trump, where as Biden is content to represent a normalcy, and the unity of power with that normalcy.
Beauty for the transitionary period can be known as becoming normal. Do you feel animated by a becoming normal? Has the Volkgeist of the United States— “got you?”
Are you feeling trad, as I am?
Even Marxism seems to becoming “Normcore,” China calling for a normal relation with them, “Doug” Lain going on “Cumtown.” Freedom from madness and becoming normal.
The production of the Vital, which is to say the unification of Freedom and Beauty, is birthed from what is. The properties of normality which are then negated by abnormality are unified within the Vital. In Biden’s America, where normal will soon be king, there will surely be a variety of reactions to the becoming normal which power will now come to stand for. The most talked about in the media will of course be the weekly fools who try to revert back into what will be called an echo of Donald Trump.
Various reactions to destroy what is posited as normal are bound to cascade throughout the Biden years (and of course, have already done so throughout time). The abnormal will be salve to the visions of normality which will be superego imperatives of existence. Simple abnormality however, will always be overcome by what is normal due to its own failure to produce the Vital. When the Vital is not viewed within simple abnormality, abnormality stokes disgust. Normality when it doesn’t produce the vital is seen as status quo, which is to say neutral or normal.
So into the Weltgeist: what produces the vital? The movements and images of normalcy and its cancellations through the abnormal—that process itself can not be said to be vital. A boring normal and a disgusting abnormal due not make the vital. Here is where beauty and freedom come in, which is to say the beauty of freedom.
Within the Normal and Abnormal, something from the outside comes in which is to say beauty. From my upcoming book The Ego and Its Hyperstate: A Psychoanalytically Informed Dialectical Analysis of Self Interest, “To grasp at beauty is always to be covetous of beauty and the power of beauty to be beauty…Beauty has escaped those who attempt grasp it, especially when one grasps it.” (Rosenstock, p. 88)
Beauty is not fleeting simply because of aging, but beauty itself is within the destruction of the mundane in order to produce freedom from normality. A woman walks into the room and marks the arrival of beauty (or tries to). A man plays guitar and marks the sound as new and bold (or tries to).
Thus, a vitalism itself can not be said to simply be abnormal, since what one grasps is the production of a vital-normal, which is to say a vital wherein which normality engages with the abnormal. There is no other way to produce the vital than to ascribe normality and abnormality and posit movements between the two.
Why are cool kids mean? Or should I say, why are you so— abnormal? What is cool but vital? And what is vital but the interrelation of the normal with the abnormal, and the freedom from what is surrounding.
The vital and the abnormal both share a property that normal doesn’t which is a freedom from normal itself. Normal of course carries its own contradiction in interacting with the abnormal and wanting the vital, but it is both the vital and abnormal which suppose negatives to normality: qualitatively better one, and simply against the other.
Two flights from normality, better, and away form. So let’s go better, what must one do then to come upon what is better? Better is freedom from what is by finding the contradictions within the normal, the abnormal within the normal. A Vital Normal posits what the outside considers normal as abnormal, but it must do so in a way that is beautiful, destroying something which when destroyed, produces greater freedom not less freedom.
The essential question is something like this *take a deep breathe*: What can be destroyed to produce greater freedom rather than less freedom, which is assumed to be normal at the moment? That is the formula for the vital, the unification of freedom and beauty.