The Core Idea: The Dialectic of Essential Material and Ideas
The essential body is beyond the ideas about the body.
The essential body is created by two parents, or two other essential bodies.
The Parental bodies are sexed, a man and a woman.
The Parental bodies are brought together by both natural desire which is present in animals and Ideas which are present due to human language.
Reproduction involves both Ideas and Essential Bodies.
Ideas about the Essential Bodies direct the essential bodies, but are categorically distinct due to the animal non-necessity of language or ideas in the function or reproduction.
In humans, Lacan posits that desire gets captured by drive, which he means we can not have pure desire without ideas affecting it, turning it into drive.
Ideas relate to Material bodies in a variety of ways. People generally rate the quality of those ideas in a variety of ways.
The basic Freudian insight is that based on our Essential Body, our relationship to Ideas about our Material body prevents Ideas from being in-themselves, due to the fact as they are an extension of Essential Body instinct to some capacity.
Ideas can attempt to escape instinct on their own terms. An apple is an apple is the essential body attempting to create ideas not relating to its function to its function of survival or desire.
The essential body exists because of an astoundingly long lineage of sexed animals being brought together via desire and ideas to reproduce a new essential body.
The shape of desire changes through the ideas, and brings essential bodies together.
The language of desire and ideas is dependent on the two parental bodies to create a new body.
The way desire is framed to do this is of no consequence to the new essential body, it is only relevant insofar as it allowed it to be created, and once it is created, new ideas of the essential body can generate.
The essential body uses ideas to not only reproduce and survive, but to attempt to work with ideas in-themselves, like an apple is an apple.
The essential body may unknowingly be creating ideas that do relate to the function of survival and reproduction, including the creation of so-called objective logic outside of the function of reproduction.
Ideas function as-if they were in themselves in communication and in self-reflection, even if they have reasons which are tied back to the essential body.
The essential body navigates ideas supposedly-in-themselves as well as directly the questions of survival and reproduction.
The questions of survival and reproduction directly address one aspect of the origin and life of the essential body which is shared by animals.
The question if an Apple is an Apple may relate to animals if we look at the question as, “is this Apple an Apple insofar as i can eat it, or is it rotten?”
Thus a=a gets extended beyond itself, and the idea attached to the material gets put into question, especially when it relates to survival and reproduction, which are necessities for all essential bodies to be created in the first place.
The question of what we call a sexed body is both in-itself, and relating to survival and reproduction.
The transgender issue relates to ideas about the essential body.
Ideas of transgender bodies include you must call the gender by the name of the sex because of science, as well as the insistence that that position affects the survival of essential bodies of people who identify as a gender in a different way are in a survival threat by not doing so.
A Freudian conclusion of the transgender issue is that people are influenced by desire and survival in creating an ethics of transgender identity, which can include both advocating and fighting against the ability of ideas which affirm transgender identity.
The idea-in-itself relates to the community of people that are formed around the affirmation and denials of transgender identity.
The communities are divided because the ideas are abstractly incompatible.
Ideas which are abstractly incompatible do not immediately put people out of contact with each other, as a question of disagreement of ideas also is brought into play due to this disagreement in transgender identity.
Due to the amount of social order based on ideas, disagreement about validating or invalidating transgender identity has created social antagonisms and orders separate from each other.
Transgender identity and its relation to the essential body is thus, a Core Idea, which is an Idea that has potential to separate communities and build communities.
Core Ideas create communities and also put communities of people against each other.
Within those communities which are against each other, there are universal similarities in essential body origin.
Universal similarities become dropped in favor of the exposition of the Core Idea. The Core Idea may relate to desire and survival, but it does not address it in the same way as the antagonist of the core idea in practice, due to its function of creating separate communities.
Two opposing communities can have a series of things in common, say exactly the same thing about life and death, have the same desires, but be separated via the Core Idea.
The Core Idea is not in essence desire and survival itself, but it may function to define the terms which desire and survival navigate themselves.
Core Ideas separate via the Core Ideas, rather than by desire or survival directly.
Desire and Survival in Humans becomes something which is navigated by something which is not strictly animal, which are Core Ideas.
Core Ideas can relate to sex directly, but often times can also be creative ideas, such as Judaism or Islam, neither of which are practiced by animals.
Questions of how Core Ideas navigate survival and desire become Ideas engaged with a variety of related Ideas to the core Idea, such as nationalism and human rights.
Survival becomes part of ideas, but essential survival is separate from the Idea of survival, just as Ideas about the body are separate from the essential body.
No law forces you to have internal to thought the same Core Ideas or any Ideas.
People align to various degrees with the ideas and Core Ideas which power operates by.
Elon Musk has a Core Idea of population decline which can be resolved by smart people having babies. With this he references both survival and desire within his Core Idea.
No law exists that prevents you from agreeing or disagreeing with Elon Musk in your mind. In fact, he can be totally ignored in favor of daily life habits.
Many people do not ignore Elon Musk, and align with his Core Idea.
The Core Idea is separate from the essential body which it references.
The Core Idea uses Ideas to understand the essential body, in the same way that this text dirempting (splitting into two totally distinct halves) references the body which is being called the core body.
With the universal idea the essential body in this text, you can ignore the demands Core Ideas if Core Ideas seem to align against your well-being or self-interest.
With the universal idea of the essential body, you know your life does not depend on the Core Idea itself, but rather the relation to other people who utilize Ideas in relation to a Core Idea, which navigates survival and desire, but it not equal to the essential body’s actual survival and desire.
The Core Idea is essential to being a human, knowing that it is related to but not the same thing as the essential body puts the Core Idea in-hand, able to drop or utilize it as will, as one’s own self-interest or any version or word used to denote a type of self-interest allows.