The Groundwork For A Psychological Understanding Of Concepts
The Ego-Ideal Field & Questions Arising After Ignorance Is Surpassed
The Ego-Ideal Field
The Ego-Ideal field implies that ideas and the appearance of ideas appear on an epistemological background similar to the way objects appear in spacetime. An object appears with dimensions of space and time, and trajectories can be mapped. The location of spacetime is the entirety of material being, but the Ego-Ideal Field is located outside of spacetime as well as within spacetime. It is also located within consciousness, language, and potentiality.
One implication of the Ego-Ideal field is the point which Hegel argues, that philosophy consists of something beyond material being, but in the exposition of concepts. Building on Hegel, we can understand reality a having structure, alignment, forces, tendencies, directionality, which contains an essential moment consisting of the combination of the essential negativity of psychological egoism as well as the exposition of the concept itself.
Psychological Egoism is the background of ideas, which is only to say that all concepts, perceptions, speech, and even perceptions of sight and sound have to pass through a body which is not only material, but beyond material. It is made of the Ego-Ideal field. Self-Interest surpasses simple desire, and becomes located in language itself, much like the understanding of desire for Lacan passing through language. It is not only desire that does this, but Absolute Egoism or The Absolute Hyperstate, which is to say a non-semblant view of self-interest.
Our understanding of our own relationship to ideas which attempt to skip self-interest as an essential negativity leads to an Absolute misunderstanding of the Self. The misunderstanding is Absolute because the history of philosophy has not yet until now been capable of producing a true understanding of the self as containing an essential negativity which takes the shape of a totality, where the positivity is in fact not just a surface-level articulation, but a container for the totality.
My speech contains all my motivations despite not being located within the speech itself. This is how The Absolute Hyperstate works within the Ego-Ideal field. The Ego-Ideal field refers to this split and containment of totality.
Questions Arising After Ignorance Is Surpassed
There are important implications of this field’s existence. Firstly, the question of alignment with internal conscious desire and external structures. Due to the nature of consciousness, and more specifically, The Absolute Hyperstate, internality is addressed externally as well as internally. We think, speak, and articulate upon the Ego-Ideal field with our entire body. My own beliefs and skills come to a negative moment in the concept which is located both in others and in the structures of the world. The question of alignment or interaction with this external existence of a universal, which is to say an Idea, such as philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, which is located not just in patients, but in institutional power itself, is Absolute. It is not reducible or avoidable by a non-acknowledgement of it.
Secondly, a question arises once the field is acknowledged: what do we do with the knowledge that we cannot avoid the negativity of self-interest when engaging with concepts? We come to a relation with what appears to be an in-itself-ness, which is to say the universal abstract concept which concretizes in the world. I would say, and it is important to acknowledge my solution is not Absolute, but rather a solution of an-I, that we can create structures which are intrinsically linked by something beyond the semblance of the concept-in-itself, which recognizes that there is a relation to external structures which involves my consciousness and my necessary participation just by it coming into my perception. In other words, I create a life aligned with my true self-interest, my Hyperstate relating to the Absolute Hyperstate of the world’s Absolute Ego-Ideal Field.
Thirdly, the question of understanding others appears. To see others as containing an essential negative moment of self-interest can be seen as negative, weird, or pointless. This is not the real question however. The question is not between simply seeing self-interest in concepts or not via the ego-ideal field, but it is the question of ignorance and knowledge. To not see this is to fall into an Absolute Ignorance of the negative essence within all concepts and human creations and also in one’s self. A true empathy for humanity, which is an understanding of the other, True mutual recognition, is at stake within acknowledgement of the ego-ideal field and its content.