The Vital Spirits Which Have No Eyes
In ancient times, it was known by some that the ideal was for the Governing Mind or Rationality itself, to command the Vital Spirits, the essential properties of things which give life to otherwise inanimate objects. Even reason too on its own becomes inanimate, as the properties of physics do not necessarily have a life, but they none the less appear to have a mind in their clockwork actions. Nonetheless, they lack the vital spirit of life.
The Wise Ancients commanded a questionable amount of power, as how much of National Spirit was truly theirs? Perhaps they could counsel National Spirit, but the Governing Mind is not made of the same stuff as National Spirit. Aristotle was at the disposal of Alexander, not the other way around. Arius Didymus possibly held more sway on Augustus, enemy of Marc Antony, but not enough can be known about Arius, the Aristoteleon/Stoic sage of Augustus to be sure of his exact role.
Love, Nature, and money all contain the potential to push humans in directions which their Intellect has to play catch-up to, but when Governing Mind does catch it, the magick of vitalism begins, which is to say the organizing and channeling of Spirit.
The dominant Vital Spirit of our age is the accumulation of money. This is to say, the ruling vitality which defines the contours of power and violence is a financial Spirit, global capitalism and so on. The dream is a unified realm of love, but this seems antithetical to the needs of drone warfare. Money on the otherhand, is ready to provide technology. Money is blind, it is a Spirit that demands more of itself, much like love.
Nature’s Spirit runs through both love and money, as the properties of both love and money have a Nature. To be attuned to the Nature of things is the Governing Mind’s job.
The Governing Mind which is Wise knows the core of things as containing Nature, and for Nature to be the largest of all Spirits, never totally commanded by Concept, even if Concept is the highest form Nature can be taken. This is essential to know that other Spirits which push humanity all fall back into a Natural core.
The Natural core is not the final argument of the Governing Mind. The Governing Mind creates orders of Vital Spirits, arranging substance into essence. Essence being an accumulation of undiremptable or un-splitable substances. To conceptualize a substance is already a feat of Governing Mind, which through language can always split undiremptable things, but perhaps it is a worse order than to have them in fields of Unity.
Unified Fields are particular, they are creative outputs of the Governing Mind. Nature itself is such a Unified Field, but with such a Unified Field the other Vital Forces, blindly pushing humanity, can be given an entrance.
The Governing Mind in any human can see the Vital Spirits in their processes and arrange them to the Mind’s liking within the Natural limits of that particular Governing Mind.
The Vital Spirits Which Have No Eyes is a conceptual entrance into what could be understood as an elevation of the psychoanalytic drives into a multiplicity of forces which command humanity. The recognition of the existential choice involved in their arrangement, and the limit of those Spirits and the Governing Mind itself allows for a stronger definition of Wisdom.
Wisdom is the arrangement of the Vital Spirits with knowledge of the existence of their being limits and potentials of those Spirits. Those limits and potentials are not known entirely or all at once, but none-the-less the conceptual rails gives the dignity of the Intellect its due in a rigorous manner which does not simply flatter the Mind, but hands the Mind its true potential.