1. Are you afraid of free association because if you are and why wouldn’t you be who knows what you would see who knows what you might say which might make sense to someone else that didn’t make sense to you who knows what they might think of you. Get me?
2. You can solve the problem through the surreal through the molecular drive which participates in your sleep and throws you into a scenario unlike your waking day you rate it as a nothing then when you are awake you rate that as a nothing too.
3. You solve problems with logic and with math and your dream solves it with your libido and that’s the problem and the solution the solution is your problems and your mystery it is all very dialectic, the opposite of dialectics is making lots of money and getting your way with violence so if you are into that instead of dialectics let me just say go for it go for it I am not trying to defend dialectics to the violent and to the money makers go buy yourself something nice.
4. Philosophy comes out of itself and it comes out of the ethical but it doesn’t come out of your cock and that’s the rub and for that you need psychology. Unless the philosophy comes directly out of your cock it will always be disproven by your orgasm.
5. Finally someone comes along and tells you the things you are saying can keep going what do you say to the person who tells you that you don’t need to fight anymore and who tells you it is all going to be okay maybe you tell them fuck you are you don’t pay attention at all. That’s where the sleep paralysis demon comes in, you’re a glutton for discouragement.
6. You aren’t a dreamer because you are holding onto the world instead of your cock or vaginal cock you see it is the same thing here, highly unfreudian but so be it, gender neutral and with the times. But you hold the world and your cock and then maybe you can begin to understand psychology not all that statistic shit that they grasp at to call psychology, you must be an expert at the simultaneous cock grab of self and world.
7. Freedom through analysis is that really freedom? I am skeptical of the psychoanalyst, is it perverse to be the psychoanalyst instead of the hysteric? I have much more experience being the analyst than being the hysteric, although I had to go through the school system which hystericizes you and tells you that you eventually must become something so you must submit to the symptomatic authority of your local Stephen King fan (your language teacher).
8. Are you able to teach yourself language, and this is ultimately the question and subtle implication of psychoanalysis, that through language you will teach yourself somehow how to bring yourself to somewhere that you weren’t before. I was there, now I am here, because I am psychologized.
9. Somewhere, out there, is someone who did more reading than you. You fool, you fucking idiot.
10. I can grasp freedom, because I listen to no one and don’t know anything. I speak without knowing where I will land, and those obsessed with the pragmatics of landing somehow look to me and wonder how I am dead.
u okay bro?