What is Happening (According to Dialectical Egoism): A Diary Entry
Bear with the equations if you want to learn philosophy while reading my diary.
July 10, 2023
{[Actual Interpersonal] + [(moral, traceable) Cause] //
Abstractly, Historically)]}
{Demand (individual, group)}
[Here I am with my father and my wife in my house. My father is on vacation and I am still working.] + [He is taking a vacation from his work. I no longer work five days a week in a clinic, my father still works five days or more a week typically since he works in a law firm. He is visiting me and my family is trying to have a nice time while he is on vacation here. I am still seeing clients despite him being here although I have a lot of time off]
Basically, what is the point of working if you’re not going to have a meaningful time outside of work? Family is important to everyone involved. We are trying to see the sights. You might call this the mode of the modern worker, you hear phrases like, work-life balance, but this is abstract. How much work? How much life? If work is commonly seperated from life, does this say we are zombified as we do our work? There is something like, how zombified are you at work. How much do you like it or dislike it. I think everyone here likes not working, although I think my father and I both at this point recognize a personal, psychological necessity as well as the material necessity of us both working.
The Demand is simple: that of a vacation. But I am still working, so perhaps my demand is for life to be somewhat of a vacation as well. Cultivating a totalized philosophy of living where everything is taken in a meaningful and profound context is a goal. How do you feel enlivened during the process? I think this is an undercurrent of the vacation Demand, enlivenment, which is tempered by the demand of relaxation, since the superego imperative to enjoy, all by itself, is its own kind of oppressor. Relaxation and enlivenment, not simultaneously. Fun and rest.
Other daily demands the wife manages and I try to help with, this is Beyond Fun and Rest. Beyond the bourgeoise lifestylism is the day to day. This is it’s own dialectic within the Demand for enlivenment and relaxation.
So conclusion of the diary: all things are good, full of dialectics.